
  • Features and Benefits: Diaphragm Sensor Pressure Ranges 1, 2, & 3: * Adjustable ranges from 0.3 – 21.7 bar (5 - 315 psi) * Easy to service/replace diaphragm * Pneumatic lockout available for Range 1 * Piston Sensor Pressure Ranges 4, 5, 6, & 7: * Adjustable ranges from 1 – 248 bar (15 - 3600 psi) • * Corrosion resistant, stainless steel piston sensor * Easy to service/replace Teflon piston seal


AMOT Model 1672 Pressure Sensing Valves are 2-way normally open sensors (closed under satisfied operation conditions) which are opened by the sensed pressure decreasing or increasing past the trip point. Dual purpose construction (trip on rising or falling pressure) provides a wide range of applications and permits easy field adjustment or changeover from trip on falling pressure to trip on rising pressure. The valve is snap-acting and suitable for hydraulic or gas control systems which up to 80 psi (5.5 bar) maximum control pressure.The operation of the valve is simple and straightforward. Pressure ranges 1, 2 and 3 use a diaphragm sensor, and pressure ranges 4, 5, 6 and 7 use a piston sensor. The sensed pressure moves the diaphragm or piston operator against the larger adjusting spring. The motion is transmitted to the valve through a lever and fulcrum pin which operates the valve pushrod. Location of the pin in one of two holes in the case determines the rising or falling pressure trip function. 

Pneumatic lock out is an optional feature which can eliminate the need for a separate blocking valve. For a tripping pressure of 1.1 bar (16 psi) falling, a 6.9 bar (100 psi) lockout pressure is required. For a tripping pressure of 2.1 bar (30 psi) falling, a 13.8 bar (200 psi) lockout pressure is required. The maximum lockout pressure is 17.2 bar (250 psi). This feature is only available on models in pressure range 1.

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