End of Product Life Statement:
Before recycling or disposal, please note that many of AMOT / Chalwyn products can be serviced or repaired to extend the working life, please see the product manual, or contact Ing Westas for details of servicing kits, spares for local repair, or the potential for return to Amot for assessment and possible refurbishment. If confirmed at end of life cycle, then this product must be disposed of with due consideration for the environment and relevant legislation and local regulations. Note that residues may remain within the product which should be appropriately removed and safely disposed of, prior to recycling so as not to harm people or the environment.
The majority of the materials used in the construction of AMOT / Chalwyn products are readily recyclable. AMOT / Chalwyn valves are typically constructed from one or more of the following materials, cast iron, ductile iron, steel, stainless steel, bronze or aluminium and these materials should be recycled where possible, note that some parts may be re-usable or suitable for spares. Any remaining parts that cannot be recycled, should be disposed of carefully and according to local requirements or legislation and utilising state of the art techniques.